Thanks for the Referrals!

The ultimate compliment is when our patients tell their friends and families about Cape Cod Wellness.  Thank you for helping us change the world a spine at a time!



The Cape Cod Wellness Wave

December 2017
Dr. Jamie’s Entrainment Hours
Monday & Wednesday 12 – 1:30 p.m. and 3 – 6:30 p.m.
Thursday 3-7 p.m.
CLOSED Dec 25 and 26, OPEN Dec. 27 and 28, and Jan. 2-4
Please schedule your appointment

Exams and private sessions outside these times.

Now You Know

Your body has its own natural innate ability to heal itself.

It’s not how you’re feeling; its how you’re healing! Get checked and know.

POSTURE is the window to your spine & nervous system.

Promote Wellness with Music

There’s no debate about it — music is powerful. It heals, it soothes, and it touches the human heart like nothing else can.  Fortunately, our community is full of festive musical events this month, which can help you unwind and promote your own stages of healing. Some events are free while others require purchased tickets, so do your homework before attending. Among some of the great ones worth checking out are: 

A Charlie Brown Christmas and Celebration

The Christmas classic comes to the stage at The Academy Playhouse through December 30 in Orleans. Tickets are $20 at apacape.org.

Cape Cod Celtic Christmas

Celtic Duo Stanley & Grimm (Nikki Engstrom/ fiddle and Sean Brennan vocals/guitar) will present the 6th “A Cape Cod Celtic Christmas Celebration” December 17 at 7 p.m. at the Cultural Center of Cape Cod. Tickets are $18 general/$15 members.

Chatham Chorale: A Candlelight Christmas

The Chatham Chorale presents A Candlelight Christmas, a variety of best-loved carols and traditional songs. Dec. 17 from 2-5 p.m. at the First United Methodist Church, Chatham. Reserved seats $30/open seating $25.

Skylark Vocal Ensemble
St. Christopher’s Church, Chatham
7:30-8:30 p.m.
Tickets range from $10-$30
December 20

Monomoy Holiday Coffeehouse at Monomoy High School
5:30-7:30 p.m.
$5 – December 21

Nauset High School’s
Winter Solstice Concert
7-9 p.m. – December 20

Sounds of the Season
with performers from The Academy Playhouse at Chatham Bars Inn
5:30 p.m. cocktails
6 p.m. concert, $22


FREE “December Health Consultation”

Give this certificate to your FRIENDS & LOVED ONES during the month of December and they’ll receive a FREE Health Evaluation at our office. We care about you and your loved ones and we don’t want to forget anyone, including the little ones. If you have a friend or family member that is currently not under our care, please give this certificate to them and have them call immediately. It’s FREE. There are NO HIDDEN CHARGES and the purpose of this checkup is to determine if they are a chiropractic candidate. As always, there are no guarantees we can help, but if we can, we want that chance. There is nothing more important than your HEALTH. If you need additional copies of this certificate, please call the office and we’ll send them to you or you can just pick them up at the front desk, at your next appointment. Just ask! You, your family members, and your friends are always a top priority for us.


CERTIFICATE EXPIRES on December 31, 2017 

Schedule Your Friend or a Loved One For Their

FREE December HEALTH Consultation—NOW!

(All ages accepted, so call the office immediately!)

Client Testimonies

“Acute bronchitis had left me exhausted and with asthmatic symptoms. A friend suggested I take vitamin C, and go to see Dr. Nash. I never saw a connection between chiropractic work and improving overall health. I thought chiropractors dealt with pain, not wheezing and exhaustion.

The treatment of Network Spinal Analysis that I’ve received from Dr. Nash changed my breathing immediately and was and continues to be an extremely calming experience. It is energetic work. I visualize and intentionally and work with the movement of energy in my body, which encourages the healing process. I really like the process, and the results!” –   JP

“I was recommended to Dr. Jamie by my acupuncturist for an ongoing neck and shoulder issue, as well as severe pain in my hip. I’d not heard of Network Spinal Analysis but was desperately seeking relief from the pain, though I expected it would take time for that to happen. Imagine my surprise when, after just one visit, I noticed a difference in the level of discomfort. Within three the hip pain was gone, and my neck continues to improve. But Dr. Nash’s healing goes beyond the spine, into the body, and also into the brain, creating a whole-person sense of well being. Not only do I feel rejuvenated by the Network Spinal Analysis, but I also feel energized and transformed by each of the healing modalities used.”  –   KS

Dr. Jamie’s Wonderful Down Under Adventure

As many of you know, Dr. Jamie had the opportunity to travel to Canberra, Australia in November to assist the amazing Rayanne Rysinger in a new phase of her wellness journey.

With Dr. Jamie cheering her on, Rayanne worked very hard with fitness guru Lee Campbell to gain balance, mobility and strength. The adventure included a rodeo and a visit to a wildlife reserve, as well as exciting progress from Rayanne, who went from walking with assistance to taking strong strides on her own! After shaking off some jet lag and reconnecting with her Cape Cod home, Dr. Jamie returned to work refreshed, rejuvenated and inspired by her dear friend. Cheers to all!

The 12 Stages of Healing:
Cycles & Rhythms of Life

Have you ever paused long enough to consider whether there is a pattern involved in your suffering? If you examine your life closely, you’ll likely discover a connection between your life circumstances and your ailments. After all, the pulse of life is one of cycles and rhythms. Not only is there a cycle in nature (seasons, tides, phases of the moon, etc.) but there’s also a cycle within every one of us. 

Suffering occurs when the rhythm of our thoughts and actions is incompatible with the natural rhythms of our bodies and of life.  When these rhythms cannot work in harmony for the growth and betterment of self, suffering develops and we experience the isolated, repressed, denied or ignored parts of ourselves. Suffering makes us aware — even if it is not consciously — that our thoughts and actions are not in harmony with the rhythms that guide our lives.

By the time we arrive at Stage Two of The 12 Stages of Healing, the vast endlessness of suffering has been replaced by an awareness that the experiences we have been going through containing intervals that are free from suffering. Like other natural cycles and rhythms, suffering has a pattern of its own. In Stage Two we have a glimpse of regaining our power; we see there is a pattern to what is or is not working, and we become aware that we are involved in the process. At the same time, our sense of self is strong enough to realize that we are now a “person suffering.” There is a greater awareness that I am the person who is experiencing the suffering. At this point, we need not figure out what our role in the process is, we need only become aware that there is a rhythm or pattern and that we participate in it.

Why Kids Need Recess…

Even in Winter!

1.  Everyone needs a break — especially kids. 

2.  Recess helps kids increase their focus and decrease fidgeting in class.

3.  Natural light improves wellness, happiness, and even helps kids be more productive.

4.  Recess is a stress reducer.

5.  Social skills are developed during outdoor playtime. 

6.  Exercise is healthy! 

7.  Physical activity also feeds the brain.  Research shows that most of the brain is activated during physical activity—significantly more than when a child is sedentary.  Movement increases delivery of oxygen to the brain and optimizes academic performance. 

The Triad of Change

The “Triad of Change” is a relationship between your perception, structure, and behavior.  Your perception of the world creates sensations and emotions in your body.  This, in turn, affects your body’s structure (posture), which also has a direct correlation with specific changes in your behavior.  Create positive personal change by altering your own perceptions, your body’s structure, and your day-to-day behavior.  By combining your efforts with Network Spinal Analysis you can enjoy life on your own terms and be in charge of your own health and wellness.      


You can’t fully change unless you accept where you’re at now.