Cape Cod Wellness is a chiropractic office specializing in Network Spinal Analysis, Nutritional Consulting, Reiki, Massage and Thermography.
Mission Statement
Dr. Jamie’s Mission is to help her clients grow and transform into optimum health. By using Network Spinal Analysis and Somato-Respiratory integration along with alternative and mainstream health practices you are taught new strategies to have an ever- healthier spine and nervous system. This translates into a greater quality of life, more energy and fulfillment. The paradigm I work under is called Reorganizational Healing as developed by Dr. Donald Epstein. Viewing lifes’ circumstances as gifts to help you grow into the best you possible. Sometimes we get stuck replaying patterns that distort our body and cause pain, suffering and illness. I would like to help you claim 100% responsibility for your life by helping you develop new health strategies. Through Network Spinal Analysis, Somato Respiratory Integration, Clinical Nutrition Analysis, Reiki and Access Consciousness, you will receive an upgrade of your human operating system as well as life tools to bring yourself into an energy rich state whenever you want. My favorite client is someone who knows that they want more in/out of their life. It is an honor to help you and your loved ones take steps to Reorganize your Life and be the best person you can be.
As part of a client’s healthcare network, we will emphasize wellness, teach responsible choices to emphasize well-being and facilitate transformation.
Everyone deserves respect. Clients are the most important members of their healthcare team. We can offer wellness strategies to everyone, no matter where they are along the life cycle or on the continuum between health and illness.